流域圏学会誌,第1巻 第1号,pp.19-24 (2012)


山下慎吾*1, 根岸淳二郎*2,河口洋一*3,赤坂卓美*4,中村知美*5,島谷幸宏*6,中村太士*4

The comprehensive restoration project of the Everglades in Florida, and two laboratories for field based education and research

Shingo YAMASHITA*1, Junjiro NEGISHI*2, Yoichi KAWAGUCHI*3, Takumi AKASAKA*4, Satomi NAKAMURA*5, Yukihiro SHIMATANI*6 and Futoshi NAKAMURA*7

Sakanayama Lab*1, Hokkaido University*2*4, University of Tokushima*3, Hokkaido resident*5, Kyusyu University*6


The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of the restoration project in southern Florida, the United States. In May 2011, we visited Florida to see the Kissimmee-Okeechobee-Everglades watershed, which is the object place of the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP). The host organization is the South Florida Water Management District. The CERP provides a framework to restore, protect and preserve the water resources and the ecosystem of central and southern Florida. It covers over 46,000squarekilometers area and centers on an update of the Central & Southern Florida Project that is also known as the Restudy. We also introduce two laboratories for field based education and research.

Key words: Everglades, Field laboratory, Floodplain, Florida, Restoration project, Water management

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