牛島 健*,出口 陽介**,Neni SINTAWARDANI***,Umi HAMIDAH***,船水 尚行****
(*北海道立総合研究機構北方建築総合研究所,**日本工営株式会社,***Indonesian Insutitute of Science,****北海道大学工学研究院)Marketability Evaluation of Human Excreta in Resource Oriented Sanitation System
- Case of Urban Slum and Surrounded Farmland in Indonesia -Ken USHIJIMA*, Yosuke DEGUCHI**, Neni SINTAWARDANI***, Umi HAMIDAH*** and Naoyuki FUNAMIZU****
*Building Research Department, Hokkaido Research Organization, 3-1-20, Midorigaoka-higashi 1, Asahikawa City, 078-8801, Japan
**Nippon Koei Co., Ltd., 5-4 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-8539, Japan
***Research Centre for Physics, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Jl. Cisitu / Sangkuring, Bandung, 40135, Indonesia
****Graduate School of Engineering, Hokkaido University, Kita13 Nishi8, Kita-ku, Sapporo City, Hokkaido, 0608628 JapanAbstract
This study examined the potential balance of fertilizer demand and excreta fertilizer supply, around Bandung City, Indonesia. Two scenarios were also examined to evaluate excreta fertilizer cost based on the hearing of collection and transportation cost. Result of potential assessment indicated that accumulated demand potential and accumulated supply potential will be balanced in the 32 km circle centered by Bandung City, therefore 32 km range of transportation should be discussed. Results of cost assessment indicated that cost of collection, transportation and element adjustment would be almost same as international fertilizer price, but it is almost 2 times larger than subsidized price, which is currently available for local farmers. Optimization of collection and transportation logistics seemed not so effective but volume reduction of urine seemed feasible and effective, in order to obtain sufficient marketability for human excreta fertilizer.Key words: Resource oriented sanitation, composting toilet, agriculture, cost, marketability