流域圏学会誌,第4巻 第1号,pp.5-14 (2016)


気候変動の影響と適応策 「人々が安心して暮らせるしなやかな国土づくり」

松下 潤

Adaptive Meausres against Climate Change "Creation of Safety and Resiliency to Enhance People’s Quality of Life"

Jun Matsushita

Research/Development Initiative of Chuo University, 1-13 Kasuga Bunkyo-ku Tokyo, 112-0003 JAPAN


The 5-th Report 2014 by Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) indicates that on-going global warming poses hige risks in eight fields and Rnhance economic loss is estimated at approximately 148 triilion yen. It is widley recognized that ever-inceasing global warming stimulates climate change risk to cause natural disasters everywhere in our coutry. The author intends to inform our members of the outcome on the study regarding climate change risk and relevant adaptive measures, which was headed by the author under supervision of Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JCSE). Hereupon, the latest information is intoroduced firstly on the latest climate change research results. Then, discussion is made on what the appropriate adaptive measures should be all about on the basis of recent natural disasters in Japan and the Delta Plan, the latest adaptive measures model in the Netehrlands.

Key Words: Global Warming, Climate Change, Natural Disasters, Adaptive Measures

流域圏学会 編集・出版委員会 edit[at]ryuikiken.org "[at]"を"@"に置き換えてください。