流域圏学会誌,第7巻 第1号,pp.11-18 (2020)



岡田 将治*1, 張 浩*2, 田内 敬祐*3

*1高知工業高等専門学校ソーシャルデザイン工学科 〒783-8508 高知県南国市物部乙200-1
*2高知大学理工学部地球環境防災学科 〒780-8520 高知県高知市曙町2丁目5-1
*3国土交通省四国地方整備局大洲河川国道事務所 〒795-8512 愛媛県大洲市中村210

Investigation of Inundation Damages, Utilization of Disaster Prevention Information and Evacuation Behavior of Residents in Aki City, Kochi Prefecture at Heavy Rain in July 2018

Shoji OKADA*1, Hao ZHANG*2 and Keisuke TAUCHI*3

*1National Institute of Technology, Kochi College
*2Kochi University
*3Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Shikoku Regional Development Bureau


In this study, an investigation of inundation damages was carried out in Kochi prefecture Aki city during heavy rain in July 2018, and the access log of the water level gauge of Tochinoki point at Aki River of Kochi Prefecture disaster prevention information system was organized. Furthermore, we carried out a questionnaire survey to residents about information acquisition and evacuation behavior during heavy rain in July targeting at Aki citizens, and awareness of the evacuation situation of residents and understanding/utilization situation of weather and disaster prevention information. As a result, it became clear that the people's understanding of the information and their utilization were not enough, but after this flood, their needs are growing to understand how to utilize this information.

Key Words: Inundation damages, Access log data of information system, Questionnaire survey, Utilization of weather and disaster prevention information for evacuation

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